Goldsmith Primary Academy – Equality Objectives (2024-2028)
Our Commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
At Goldsmith Primary Academy, we are committed to ensuring that all pupils, staff, and stakeholders feel valued, respected, and supported, regardless of their background or characteristics. We embrace our responsibility under the Equality Act 2010 to:
- Eliminate discrimination, harassment, and victimisation
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
- Foster good relations between all members of our community
These objectives build on our school’s mission to ensure all pupils dream big, rise academically, and ‘ASPIRE’ to their next chapter in life, while also aligning with Windsor Academy Trust’s civic leadership priorities.
Equality Objectives (2024-2028)
Objective 1: Reduce the Attainment Gap for Disadvantaged Pupils, SEND, and EAL Learners
📌 Why? Our data highlights that pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, those with SEND, and pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL) face additional barriers to achieving their full potential.
✅ Actions:
- Implement targeted high-impact interventions to support academic progress, particularly in reading, writing, and maths.
- Ensure inclusive teaching practices that support differentiated learning for all pupils.
- Track and monitor the progress of disadvantaged pupils, EAL learners, and those with SEND through STEPLAB coaching and curriculum planning.
- Offer professional development for staff on inclusive teaching strategies.
🎯 Outcome: The attainment and progress gaps between these groups and their peers will narrow over time.
Objective 2: Promote Diversity and Representation in the Curriculum
📌 Why? Goldsmith Primary Academy has an increasing number of pupils with EAL backgrounds, and we want to ensure that all children feel seen, valued, and represented in their learning experiences.
✅ Actions:
- Audit and refine the curriculum to ensure diverse voices, cultures, and perspectives are embedded across all subjects.
- Provide staff training on culturally responsive teaching and unconscious bias.
- Expand Goldsmith’s library and classroom resources to include literature and texts that reflect diverse backgrounds, experiences, and identities.
- Incorporate real-life role models from underrepresented groups into lessons and assemblies.
🎯 Outcome: Pupils will develop a broader understanding of diversity, with an improved sense of belonging and inclusion in the school community.
Objective 3: Tackle Disproportionate Absence Among Disadvantaged Pupils
📌 Why? Our attendance target is 97%, but internal tracking highlights that pupils from Pupil Premium (PP) backgrounds and certain vulnerable groups have disproportionately higher absence rates.
✅ Actions:
- Implement a targeted attendance strategy, offering personalised support for families facing barriers to attendance.
- Strengthen communication and engagement with parents/carers to emphasise the importance of regular attendance.
- Work with external agencies to provide additional support where needed.
- Introduce positive attendance incentives to encourage improved attendance.
🎯 Outcome: Attendance rates for disadvantaged pupils will improve, reducing persistent absence and increasing engagement with learning.
Objective 4: Ensure a Safe, Inclusive, and Respectful Environment for All
📌 Why? Our school must be a place where all pupils feel safe, respected, and valued, free from discrimination, bullying, or prejudice-related incidents.
✅ Actions:
- Embed Goldsmith’s ASPIRE values to promote respect, inclusion, and empathy across the school.
- Strengthen PSHE and RSE programmes to address issues such as bullying, discrimination, and protected characteristics.
- Ensure staff receive training on safeguarding in the context of equality, inclusion, and unconscious bias.
- Implement a robust reporting and monitoring system to address incidents of bullying and discrimination.
- Provide pupil voice opportunities through the School Council, Junior Leadership Team, and pupil forums to ensure all voices are heard.
🎯 Outcome: Pupils will report feeling safe, respected, and included, with a reduction in bullying and prejudice-related incidents.
Objective 5: Improve Accessibility and Inclusivity for Pupils with SEND and Additional Needs
📌 Why? Goldsmith Primary Academy is committed to ensuring full participation for all pupils, including those with SEND or physical disabilities.
✅ Actions:
- Conduct a site-wide accessibility audit and implement necessary adjustments.
- Expand specialist SEND provisions, particularly in relation to the Phoenix Room and early years interventions.
- Ensure that classroom adaptations and reasonable adjustments are consistently implemented across the school.
- Provide staff training on differentiation, neurodiversity, and assistive technologies.
🎯 Outcome: Pupils with SEND and additional needs will have improved access to learning and school facilities, promoting greater independence and achievement.
Monitoring and Review
We will evaluate our progress towards these objectives through:
- Pupil attainment and progress tracking (e.g., assessment data, intervention impact).
- Attendance records and trends in persistent absence.
- Behaviour and safeguarding logs to monitor bullying, discrimination, and inclusion concerns.
- Pupil, staff, and parent surveys to assess perceptions of inclusion, belonging, and respect.
- Annual review and reporting to governors and Windsor Academy Trust.
These objectives will be formally reviewed every four years (next review: 2028), with annual updates on progress.
At Goldsmith Primary Academy, we believe that equity and inclusion are fundamental to success. By embedding these objectives into our school culture, we ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to dream big, rise academically, and ‘ASPIRE’ to their next chapter in life.