Goldsmith Primary Academy, Goldsmith Road, Harden, Walsall, WS3 1DL
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Behaviour Expectations


At Goldsmith, our ethos is to notice good behaviour and give attention to children making the right choices. We use a positive reward system, which recognises good behaviour and encourages our pupils to take responsibility for improving their own behaviour. We also believe in giving appropriate sanctions which are proportionate to pupils’ misdemeanors.



We manage behaviour positively using the ‘Good to be Green’ system, recognising ‘Green’ behaviours and rewarding appropriately. Children begin the day on a white card and staff spot positive behaviours enabling pupils to move to green quickly. Pupils demonstrating exceptional learning and social behaviours all day, will be rewarded with a gold card. Each class will have one gold card winner, each day. 

  • Pupils are conversant with and understand ‘S.T.A.R.S - tips to be green’ These direct learning behaviours. 
  • Pupils are conversant with and understand ‘The GPA Way’ - our general school rules.  
  • Pupils are conversant with and understand ‘ASPIRE’ - our character virtues and learner skills which enable us to reach our academic and personal potential. 

 All staff will be seen:

  • Agreeing, clarifying and setting clear boundaries for expected behaviour.
  • Following the ‘Good to be Green’ system by promoting
  • ‘S.T.A.R.S - tips to be green,’ ‘The GPA Way’ and  ‘ASPIRE’ behaviours.
  • Supporting one another in modelling positive behaviours and relationships in an ethos of mutual respect.
  • Establishing and maintaining clear communication between staff, pupils, parents/carers and the wider community.
  • Listening to one another and ensuring all behaviours are met with a fair, consistent and empathetic response.
  • Providing a stimulating learning environment that enables children to feel secure and welcome.
  • Supporting children who have difficulty managing their behaviour, by identifying their needs as early as possible and working in partnership with their parents/carers.
  • Ensuring lessons are suitably differentiated and provide access and motivation for all to succeed.
  • Enabling our children to become independent in managing their behaviour (using the Zones of Regulation), to understand their role in the community and to become positive active citizens. learning behaviours.
  • DOJO

    Class Dojo Points (which are linked with the Good to be Green behaviour system and the ASPIRE character virtues and learner skills) are used as the main reward system across school. Teachers may have an additional small reward system running in their class alongside this. This ensures consistency whilst additionally embedding the ASPIRE values, GPA Way and S.T.A.R.S. 

Children have the opportunity to receive rewards from earning Class Dojos as follows:

  • Gold card raffle at the end of every half term to win a prize.
  • Invited  to sit on the Gold table at lunchtime and the Gold bench during assemblies
  • Prizes are given every Friday from the class teacher for 20 Class Dojos or more



  • Children are given many opportunities to rectify their behaviour choices. Initially, a verbal warning will be given discreetly by the member of staff. Following this, pupils will receive a “Stop’n’think” card which is placed silently on the child’s desk or handed to the child in other situations. Should negative behaviours persist, pupils will move to a yellow card, a final warning. From here pupils will either rectify their behaviour and return to a white card and then on to green or, will continue to exhibit unacceptable behaviour and be given a red card which will result in a detention at lunch time. Parents will be informed of this. In extreme situations or a child continues to receive red cards, a refocus will be put in place. A formal meeting will take place with the child’s parents and a playground ban will be put in place. The pupil will also go on report for an initial period of one week, reporting to a named member of SLT.


How is impact measured?

  • Teachers are able to track how many Golden tickets, GTBG and ASPIRE points are earned by children through the class dojo rewards system
  • Red cards are tracked by the Pastoral team, the SENCO and the Head teacher; these are followed up with restorative practices and further interventions resulting in negative behaviour being diminished and/or appropriate support being in place.

How are we inclusive? 

We have high expectations of all of our pupils’ behaviour. GENCurric TMW GPAThe format in which the behaviour system is presented to pupils may differ according to pupil’s needs to allow access for all. The SENCO works in unison with the Pastoral Team to ensure pupils access support.

Support for pupils is demonstrated using a successive wave approach:

Wave 1 - Part of High Quality Teaching:

  • Use of a pastoral pack of resources to support planning sessions.
  • Class environments are calming, uncluttered and promote learning.
  • Visual Timetable displayed in every class, and referred to throughout the day.
  • Zones of Regulation check-ins at least daily.
  • Use of 6 steps to trauma sensitive connection when dealing with pupil behaviour.
  • Use of resources from SEN toolkits that promote and support positive behaviour.
  • Reasonable adjustments such as ‘chunking’ tasks, use of timers, sticker charts and rewards

Wave 2 - Targeted support for small groups of children or individuals.

Wave 3 - Specialist support from Pastoral Team and/or External agencies.