Goldsmith Primary Academy, Goldsmith Road, Harden, Walsall, WS3 1DL
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
school clubs and extra curricular activities at goldsmith primary academy

School Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities

Club  Year Groups

Dream, Rise and Shine Club! Free Breakfast Club (8:00 - 8:20am)

Nursery to Year 6
Tennis/Badminton (3:20 - 4:20pm) 3 and 4 
Sport (3:20 - 4:20pm) 1 and 2
Basketball (3:20 - 4:20pm) 3,4 and 5
ASPIRE: After Hours. Paid After School Club (3:20 - 5:00pm) Reception to Year 6
Club Year Groups

Dream, Rise and Shine Club! Free Breakfast Club (8:00 - 8:20am)

Nursery to Year 6
Art Club (3:20 - 4:20pm) 4, 5 and 6
Tag Rugby (3:20 - 4:20pm) 4, 5 and 6
Chatterbooks (3:20 - 4:20pm) 3 and 4 
Sport (3:20 - 4:20pm) 1 and 2
Dodgeball (3:20 - 4:20pm) 3 and 4
Hockey/Handball (3:20 - 4:20pm) 3, 4, 5 and 6
ASPIRE: After Hours. Paid After School Club (3:20 - 5:00pm) Reception to Year 6

Year Groups

Dream, Rise and Shine Club! Free Breakfast Club (8:00 - 8:20am)

Nursery to Year 6
Football (3:20 - 4:20pm) 1 and 2 
Football (3:20 - 4:20pm) 5 and 6
ASPIRE: After Hours. Paid After School Club (3:20 - 5:00pm) Reception to Year 6

Year Groups

Dream, Rise and Shine Club! Free Breakfast Club (8:00 - 8:20am)

Nursery to Year 6
Dodgeball (3:20 - 4:20pm) 1 and 2
Sport (3:20 - 4:20pm) 3, 4 and 5
DT and Craft (3:20 - 4:20pm) 3, 4, 5 and 6

Robotics Coding Club* (3:20 - 4:20pm)

*Paid club: £2.00 per session 

3, 4, 5 and 6
ASPIRE: After Hours. Paid After School Club (3:20 - 5:00pm) Reception to Year 6

Year Groups

Dream, Rise and Shine Club! Free Breakfast Club (8:00 - 8:20am)

Nursery to Year 6
Table Tennis (3:20 - 4:20pm) 4, 5 and 6 
Football (3:20 - 4:20pm) 3 and 4
Sport (3:20 - 4:20pm) Reception
ASPIRE: After Hours. Paid After School Club (3:20 - 4:20pm) Reception to Year 6
Additional information can be located here.  

Club Cancellations:
We may need to cancel after-school clubs due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions or staff absence. Should this occur, we will notify you as promptly as possible through Class Dojo posts and/or Arbor emails. In these cases, please ensure that you or an authorised person is available to collect your children by 3:20pm. If needed, contact the main office to confirm alternative arrangements.

Club Times and Collections:
Please note that late collections from any club will incur a charge. We appreciate your efforts to collect your children on time to avoid any additional fees. Thank you for your cooperation.