Goldsmith Primary Academy, Goldsmith Road, Harden, Walsall, WS3 1DL
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Remote Learning

Remote Learning at Goldsmith Primary Academy

During periods of partial school closure, all children will be provided with at least the minimum entitlement of remote learning as directed by the Department of Education.  

EYFS and Key Stage 1:

Pupils in Key Stage 1 and EYFS will benefit from pre-recorded lessons uploaded to a YouTube Channel for each year group:RL 1

Pupils will receive a weekly pack of learning, linking specific YouTube videos, via ParentMail. This will be sent at 8:00 each Monday that the academy is partially closed. An example of this can be found here. These packs will detail 4 activities a day to engage pupils in Maths, Phonics, Writing and an additional lesson (Science, Theme, PE, RE or PSHE).

Year 2 and Key Stage 2:


Classrooms will be replicated virtually through the use of Google Classroom. You will have received all login details for this platform through ParentMail. Pupils will need to login to Google Classroom at 8:55, for their first lesson of the day. The consistent offer  will be live Maths (09:00 - 10:00), English (11:00 - 12:00) and Reading (13:00 - 14:00). Teachers will also upload a pre-recorded video of them teaching an additional lesson (Science, Theme, RE or PSHE) with a task to be completed and handed in. PE will also be taught by Mr Anderson  and Mr Perrin live, at 14:00 on Wednesdays and Fridays. 


FGF Remote Learning


During these troubled times, we are all taking to our screen to try and reinvent the daily normal. In an attempt to support families with this, we have created our #FeelGoodFriday grid, to give you and your children some creative ways to spend time away from the screen.  #FeelGoodFriday will commence after ASPIRE assemblies, on Fridays. Please send in pictures of you feeling good on Friday to your year group email addresses. You can see a larger version of the grid, here

Delivery of the Curriculum:

We will continue to deliver a quality curriculum which is carefully sequenced and enables children to obtain the building blocks they need to progress onto the next stage of their learning.  Where necessary we will adapt our curriculum to ensure that those topics that would be better delivered face to face will be taught on our return to school.

Engagement and removal of barriers:

No child will be disadvantaged or unable to access our learning due to lack of device or internet access.  Through the distribution and loan of our own academy resources, those received from our local authority and allocated by the DfE we will ensure that every household has at least one device to support children’s learning.

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As a school, we will monitor children’s engagement to ensure that they are accessing the curriculum and making progress.  We appreciate that many families are sharing devices, juggling their own work commitments and supporting each other through a pandemic - please do contact us if you face any difficulties or challenges. 

In an attempt to support families in this position, recordings of lessons in Year 2 - 6 will be uploaded to the Google Classroom to ensure pupils can access the learning, after the teaching has taken place. Parents and carers may wish to rotate who attends live lessons and who catches up regularly, to ensure pupils maintain contact with their teacher and peers. 

Feedback on Learning:

Regular #feedforward on submitted work will be shared by class teachers to ensure that children remain motivated to engage and learn.  Assessment for learning during live lessons through meeting chat, JamBoard, polls and quizzes will ensure that children’s understanding is developed and supported. Teachers will also respond to all handed-in learning, using the 'mark' function on Google Classroom. For pupils in EYFS and Year 1, parents are kindly asked to email learning to the year group email addresses:

For pupils in Year 2 - 6, you can also email pictures of pupils completing creative tasks, or #FeelGoodFriday activities, using their year group email addresses:

Maintaining Contact:

To support the home school relationship and children’s individual progress in their learning, teachers and members of the pastoral team will make weekly contact calls with the children in their class to monitor their social emotional wellbeing and check in with their understanding and  confidence in the week’s learning.

Supporting our SEND and EAL learners:

Class teachers will continue to meet the needs of all children in their class. Regular attendance at live lessons will ensure that teachers are able to continue to adapt the curriculum and share necessary resources to allow all children to be able to progress through our broad and ambitious curriculum. Additionally, Mrs Ayres (our SENDCO) and her team will be sending out IEP work packs to every child in our school in receipt of an IEP. She will also call each family regularly to check on progress and support you with helping your child meet their individualised targets. 

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Celebration of work:

Each Friday we will celebrate as year groups in our virtual afternoon ASPIRE assembly. Children will be selected and acknowledged for showing our ASPIRE learner skills and character virtues. Each week, one child from each class will be awarded with a certificate for demonstrating a skill or virtue and one ASPIRE Ambassador from each year group, will receive a book prize posted to their home address. 

Support and Guidance:

Windsor Academy Trust - Remote Learning Guidance for Parents