Goldsmith Primary Academy, Goldsmith Road, Harden, Walsall, WS3 1DL
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Physical Education


At Goldsmith, we are sportsmen and sportswomen...

Goldsmith Primary Academy believes that PE, physical activity & school sport (PESSPA) is a vital part of school life and ultimately our children’s future well-being. It is therefore our intent to provide an inclusive, broad and balanced PE curriculum that ensures ALL children will benefit, whether through enhancing existing skills, learning new skills or being introduced to new sports.



What is our curriculum?

EYFS - Children in EYFS will have a minimum of 1 hour of PE a week. During these lessons they are introduced to fundamental movement skills of jumping, running, hopping, throwing, catching and kicking in fun games. Children will spend lessons focusing on their own fundamental skills and begin to develop an understanding of working with a partner. In EYFS, all children will experience units in ball skills, gymnastics, dance and games. 

KS1 - Children in KS1 will have a minimum of 2 hours of taught PE a week. In these lessons they will continue to develop their fundamental skills and increase their confidence. These skills will also be used in fun games where they begin to develop an understanding of scoring points and being on a team. In KS1 children will be taught ball skills, gymnastics, dance, invasion, net and wall, striking & fielding, athletics and sending and receiving units. Children will also begin to understand how their bodies react to exercise e.g. their heart beats faster and they get warmer. 

KS2 - Children in KS2 will have a minimum of 2 hours of taught PE a week. In KS2, children begin to use fundamental skills learnt and improved in KS1 in sport specific PE lessons. They will use sports specific equipment to adapt their fundamental skills and when ready use these in small sided games. Children will cover a variety of athletic activities, invasion games, net and wall games, striking and fielding, in addition to gymnastics and dance. Non-traditional sports that specific cohorts show interest in these areas will be included to help develop a love of sport for all. In addition to this they will experience outdoor adventure activities and swimming lessons. Children will develop an understanding of sport specific tactics and understand how our body adapts to exercise as well as how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Children will demonstrate a greater understanding of sport specific skills by identifying strengths and weaknesses in their own and individual skills in lessons. They will have opportunities to lead sporting activities and develop their leadership skills. 

When is it taught? 

PESSPA at Goldsmith Primary Academy is taught throughout the school day through lesson time and enrichment opportunities through lunch and afterschool clubs, as well as fixtures and events with other schools. 

How is it taught? 

With our commitment to ensuring that ALL children will receive high quality PE lessons that are planned and sequenced using GetSet4PE, to support teachers planning. Lesson plans are adapted depending on the context of the class and individuals to allow all pupils to achieve in lessons and be challenged. A range of teaching styles are used to maximise learning such as reciprocal, self- check and guided discovery. In upper key stage 2, teaching models are introduced such as sport education and teaching games for understanding. WAT Primary PE Specialists and sports coaches are used to teach and to help provide children with high levels of subject knowledge. This helps ensure the provision is of the highest quality.


How is impact measured? 

We use formative assessment in every PE lesson through observations, questioning, feedback, pupil self-assessment on how to improve areas to help pupil progress. Tracking of PE enrichment opportunities is also kept to highlight participation in extra curricular clubs, participation representing the school, lunchtime engagement, live sport visits, leadership opportunities and participation in local community sports clubs. Tracking of pupils meeting national standards of swimming in year 6 is kept. 

How do we know children have made progress? 

Our planned PE curriculum will impact greatly on all our children’s ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to make appropriate choices about their physical and mental health. Ongoing formative assessment of learning of child against success criteria for lesson and overall unit. We use the same core task at the start and the end of each half term unit. This allows students and teachers to be able to see the improvement made. 

How do we challenge and support lack of progress? 

In lesson time through providing support and challenge through differentiation to accelerate progress of learning. This is done through the STEP Process in PE of changing the space, task, equipment and people during the activity. More time can be spent on an area which is not grasped for example movement off the ball in basketball, to ensure important concepts are understood. Identified pupils have opportunities to take part in additional motor skills groups with staff. Aim for all pupils to take part in enrichment opportunities which will progress their skills and confidence in PESSPA.

How are we inclusive?

At Goldsmith Primary Academy we strive to make physical education lessons inclusive, through anticipating barriers to taking part and learning particular activities for pupils with particular SEN needs and/or disabilities. Through reducing those barriers, it will allow all pupils to fully take part and learn. In some activities, pupils with SEN and/or disabilities will be able to take part in the same way as their peers. In others, some modifications or adjustments will need to be made to include everyone. 

To overcome potential barriers to learning in physical education, we utilise two principles to include all pupils in the physical education curriculum: 

  • The STEP process of modifying and adapting the PE curriculum 
  • The inclusion spectrum 

We also aim to provide additional opportunities for ALL pupils to enjoy representing the school through unified local level festivals and competitions in a range of different sports.