At Goldsmith, we are theologists and philosophers...
At Goldsmith, we endeavour that all children will become aware of a multitude of faiths by exploration and enquiry. They will be compassionate, respectful and open-minded towards others and their beliefs. This will enable their transition into the wider world to be tolerant and respectful of people from different backgrounds and faiths.
We teach RE as a whole school approach by using Discovery RE, which ensures pupils are exposed to a wide variety of religions and religious beliefs through different themes. For example, pupils may learn about Christianity, Islam and Hinduism in the same unit on “special places.” There are 6 units to be taught in each year group. As a leadership team, a yearly overview has been created, which maps out the religions and themes that each year group will teach and explore. This is supplemented by our Inter-Faith Day in the summer term. Where pupils will experience each of the major world religions. Discovery RE is an engaging, inquiry based scheme which ensures Chrisitanity is taught in every year group and the children explore a variety of other faiths such as Hinduism, Sikhism and Judaism. There are additional religions including Baháʼí and Humanism that we can incorporate into the learning.
RE is taught once weekly for an hour in each Key Stage. There is also an Inter Faith Day planned for each academic year to allow the children to enquire about multiple faiths that they may not have heard of or are learning about in that particular year group.
RE is taught by the class teacher or cover staff. It should be a practical, engaging lesson that gives children the opportunity to explore, enquire and gain knowledge about the religions they are learning about. The lessons do not require a PowerPoint (teacher discretion) and many resources can be found in the Discovery RE handbook.
There is an expectation that both RE displays (KS1-outside Pastoral Office. KS2 - outside of 4a) will be updated half termly with evidence of the learning that has been taking place in each year group (can be taken from the Class Journals). There should also be 2 pieces of evidence each half term in the Class Journals using the Religious Education template.
As children progress through school, with our spiral curriculum, they will be able to use prior knowledge to gain a deeper understanding of world religions. Children will be able to discuss similarities and differences between religions and be tolerant of different beliefs.
Children will be able to talk confidently about the religion they are learning, recalling key facts such as festivals, gods and places of worship. They will produce work that uses facts taught including those achieved with support.
As children progress through school, with our spiral curriculum, they will be able to use prior knowledge to gain a deeper understanding of world religions. Children will be able to discuss similarities and differences between religions and be tolerant of different beliefs.