At Goldsmith, we are authors and publishers...
Children are confident, skilled and creative writers who can apply a variety of age-related and high-level grammar, punctuation and spelling skills to a variety of purposes within a wide range of genres. Children are able to adapt their writing to meet the needs of their audience and consider their language choices for impact.
We follow the Big Write and VCOP (Vocabulary, Conjunctions, Openers and Punctuation) writing process. Over the course of a unit, writing skills are taught and rehearsed to prepare pupils to write independently in their last session of the unit. These typically follow the 5Rs teaching structure (Read It, Rip It, Rehearse It, Write It and Review It).
EYFS: Across EYFS, we use the guidance of Development Matters to ensure progression from mark making to written sentences. Classroom provision ensures there are always opportunities to write and staff engage with pupils within this to support and extend their learning. We focus on gross motor skills, moving to fine motor skills, with all staff actively encouraging good pencil/tool grip. In Reception letter sounds and their formation are taught though RWI, in the late Autumn term this is supplemented with the Penpals writing scheme. Children are regularly exposed to adults modelling so they see the purpose of the written word. Children are encouraged to use language displayed in class within their own writing. Within the environment, language is linked to the class theme and through the principles of Oracy teaching, language is taught intentionally, orally rehearsed within context and then applied within their increasingly independent writing.
Year 1: In the autumn term pupils retell well-known stories orally before transferring this to supported writing opportunities, prior to independent writing. The modelling of writing makes explicit links to the SSP programme used in school. In the spring and summer term the 5Rs are introduced.
Year 2 and KS2: In Years 2-6, children follow the Big Write structure as well as incorporating elements of the 5Rs (Read It, Rip It, Rehearse It, Write It, Review It). This ensures pupils have opportunity to rip and dissect texts to understand purpose, features and audience of a variety of genres and have opportunity to rehearse and embed these skills and finally being able to apply them to their own piece of extended writing.
VCOP starters are used at the start of each session to rehearse skills needed for their specific writing genre as well as rehearsing and embedding previously taught writing skills. VCOP mats and resources are created and shared with pupils as a tool to support them in their writing. During each Big Write session, children are encouraged to review their writing by highlighting VCOP elements as they write. This should enable them to identify the overuse of certain elements or lack of variety where the same vocabulary, conjunction or style of opener is repeated etc and to edit and improve subsequent paragraphs based on this.
Writing grids are used half-termly as an assessment tool. Children’s scores should improve as they are taught and exposed to a wider variety of skills and are confidently able to apply these to their writing with independence.
Scores should increase within either an assessed piece of writing or more skills should be evident from looking at a range of pieces of writing.
Pupil progress meetings and support in place for staff where this is needed. Support to plan interventions is offered to staff.
For full detail regarding our delivery of the Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation requirements for all year groups, please see our 'GPA Approach on a Page - GPS' document.